Health & Wellness

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Health & Wellness Fairs

Sewa TT has been engaged in hosting health and wellness fairs throughout the nation for the last five years. These fairs are aimed at providing health care and education to members of the public who may be otherwise unable to access such services efficiently. Medical screenings including blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, vision & dental, breast examination & pap smear, prostate examination, body mass measurement, ultrasounds, dermatology and counselling on diet/nutrition and exercise are provided free of charge. Thus far, we have held these fairs in Rio Claro, Barrackpore, Granville, St. Helena, St.Joseph, Sangre Grande and Toco.

Objectives of Health & Wellness Fairs

  • To provide advice about basic healthcare to those who cannot afford or are less likely to go to a doctor because of convenience or other reasons
  • To facilitate screening for non-communicable diseases
  • To bring medical care closer to rural communities
  • To provide an avenue for volunteering